Category Portraits
View captivating portraits of Igbo individuals and groups, capturing the essence of Igbo life from everyday scenes to significant cultural moments.
Igbo woman with elaborate geometric hairstyle, c 1910.
Group portrait of titled Igbo men, 1900s
Group Portrait from the Royal Niger Company, Niger River Igbo area, c. 1886-1895
This historical group portrait, captured by Dr. William Henry Crosse between 1886 and 1895, shows individuals from the Niger River Igbo area in Nigeria. Taken during the period of the Royal Niger Company’s operations, this image is part of the…
A young Igbo bride in wedding attire, c. 1880-1905
An Elder of Agukwu Nri. c. 1911
Obi of Onitsha Samuel Okosi I, the first Christian Obi of Onitsha. 1899
The black and white photograph features Obi Samuel Okosi I, seated in an elevated and dignified pose, wearing a richly adorned robe and a crown reminiscent of European royal aesthetics. The backdrop includes two symbolic emblems with crowns, further emphasizing…
Chief Obudugbo. “Ezeana of Neni”. c. 1910-11
The black and white photograph depicts Chief Obudugbo, also known as Ezeana of Neni, seated in a dignified pose. His attire includes a traditional patterned garment and a prominent beaded necklace, signifying his role as a guardian of Ani, the…